Jo Geven Mushroom Farm Consultancy |
Growing mushrooms is almost an art. It’s an exceptional branch of the agricultural business. As a mushroom farm owner it is lucrative to consult a specialist every so often. If not only to discuss your everyday concerns, a second opinion on the compost and growing cycles of your facility cannot be overestimated. There is always that modest addition that he can offer which will ensure you maintain or reach the highest level of quality and quantity of your product.
Jo Geven has a history of consulting for mushroom farms worldwide. In recent years he has focused his attention toward designing and building Food Industrial facilities and incorporated a company, GVN-Group Inc, in 2006. Nevertheless, Jo still has a place in his heart for mushrooms and continues to enjoy his consultations with mushroom farm owners. On request he will share his insights of the mushroom growing with much enthusiasm and passion.
Whether you are new to mushroom farming or simply looking to expand, with Jo’s wealth of experience in the mushroom industry he makes an excellent consultant. GVN does not only design and build mushroom facilities, but can also assist in the planning of a mushroom farm from the ground up. We can help you create a business plan for your new farm and we can review any plans you’ve already made. With our knowledge of Food Industrial facilities we are able to make accurate estimates of the cost of a new state-of-the-art mushroom farm and can make sure that your new facility is designed to be profitable. Upon the completion of a new facility we can provide you with further consultations on getting the most out of your farm.
If your company is in need of a high level of advice or if you have trivial concerns do not hesitate to contact us. |
Growing Mushrooms |
The Basics Steps of Running a Succesful Mushrooms Farm
July 2011 © Jo Geven
Composting | The perfect compost needs to abide by the rudimentary rules of: continuously assessing, monitoring and analyzing the concoction of components, as well as by keeping close track of the desired moisture.
The compost informs the grower of what improvements it requires. One should naturally respond to this as much as to the data shown on the (sometimes cutting-edge) equipment. |
Growing | Growing mushrooms is merely a natural way to react to compost. Every cluster of circumstances: dissimilar compost, different rooms, specific spores, thunderstorms, etc. need specific handling. The demands for every situation can be different. The amount of air and water needed for instance to create the perfect end product depend highly on the countless characteristics of the mycelium.
To reach the exact quantity and quality of mushrooms desirable, a way of growing should be practiced that meets the needs.
Growing is only one step towards the perfect picture. Harvesting and training are equally significant. |
Harvesting | A central and key aspect of the production; Harvesting. Harvesting should be monitored closely and thoroughly. When performed without upright care, beds can be severely damaged by novel buttons being damaged or even scraped off entirely by harvesters. Conversely; leaving too much debris on the beds will allow diseases to spread effortlessly.
Furthermore, harvesting too rapidly or too late is devastating for production and product quality. Careful harvesting can preserve quality. Training and close assistance is of the utmost importance to keep flushes healthy and profitable.
Depending on the type of mushroom required, a specific harvesting method must be followed in order to grow the maximum out of a crop cycle. |
Managing | In our economic environment, in which stakes are high, only a balanced and well-managed company flourishes.
Management in the agricultural industry requires a combination of monitoring and evaluating products and personnel through all phases of the production cycle. Schedules have to be developed and followed closely to maintain the most effective methods of production. Hence, all details throughout the production cycle should be recorded and reviewed in order to develop the most effective production strategy for each individual facility and to verify that the production cycle is according to the schedule.
An owner or grower needs to be closely involved in every department of a farm to maintain a coherent workflow. Following a well thought out managing routine will help to produce a high quality end product. At this point, the importance of marketing becomes apparent and a good marketing plan should be laid out.
Ask Jo for extra information regarding your mushroom facility and its management. |

Training | The fact that a company's employees are a direct influence to its success is not a news bulletin.
In the mushroom business it is critical that employees are adequately trained. This is a very important aspect which is too often undervalued. The different phases in the process ask for accurate handling, perfect timing, and strict hygiene.
Training of supervisors for divisions is recommendable. Skilled employees are valuable assets and should be treated as such. Dedication to an occupation earns itself back. |